Episode 012
In this mini-episode Tia discusses why she wants to change the name of “Passion Projects” in her classroom.
Episode 011
Rachel and Tia discuss educational trends they have seen in the classroom and what educators can do to keep up with the new, or the new-again, educational shifts. Some of the hot topics that are touched on are social-emotional learning, homework philosophies, student voice and choice, and STEM education. The conversation leads to generational differences when it comes to the peers you work with and the students you teach and keeping up with those generational changes. We want to hear from you! Share with us some educational trends you’ve experienced that are nostalgic, cringe worthy, or just that makes us laugh.
Episode 010
In this mini-episode Rachel discusses how we need to expose all students to creativity and open-ended projects as much as possible.
Episode 009
“Teacher Imposter Syndrome” Tia shares her belief that educators struggle with being too humble. She attended an event that was designed to celebrate the accomplishments of great educators, but they kept being reminded they deserved to be there. Rachel and Tia tackle the question, “Why are teachers so humble?” Tia believes that teachers should be proud of their hard work and accomplishments and we should all be encouraging each other to highlight each others strengths as educators. Rachel reminds us all to “stop being a secret genius” and share the awesome work educators do on a daily basis. Included in the podcast are also tips to combat the teacher imposter syndrome trap.
Episode 008
In this mini-episode Tia discusses her 30 day journey on avoiding negativity.
Episode 007
Rachel talks about her unique professional development opportunity to go on a teacher field trip to San Diego. Rachel confesses that she is typically an introvert, but was heavily impacted by taking risks and learning in a new way while surrounded by other like-minded educators. Tia talks about the importance of reflecting on your teaching practices through all types of professional growth. Having opportunities that give us a new lens to look through can give us a new perspective to use within our teaching profession and stoke the fire within our profession.
Episode 006
In this mini-episode Rachel reflects on the book “Taking People with You” by David Novak by using the simple strategy of asking people, “What would you do in my position?”
Episode 005
Rachel and Tia tackle the subject of investing and growing in your own professional development. They discuss how to professionally grow on your own to cultivate your own educational passions. Sometimes you have to take your professional learning to the next level to keep the educational fire alive. Several ideas discussed are the traditional steps to professional development and others are outside of the box. It is recognizing that professional development is literally all around you; you must take the knowledge you are already gaining and applying it into your classroom, building, and district.
Episode 004
In this mini-episode Tia discusses the quote from Joseph Campbell about facing your fears.
Episode 003
Rachel and Tia discuss the importance of having overarching goals in place to start the school year and to help teachers stay on track throughout the year. Having your goals align with your passion and your why in the classroom is highly important. Tia discusses how goals can be related to discipline and habits. Rachel shares that starting out with smaller goals can be difficult at times, but those small steps guide you to your overall larger goals. An assortment of tips and ticks are packed into this episode discussing all things goal related. We also want to hear your goals and any tips you may have to achieving your classroom and personal goals.
Episode 002
In this mini-episode Rachel discusses the importance of taking the time to care for yourself to be a better teacher.
Episode 001
Rachel and Tia discuss how they met. They have not even known each other for a year, but made plans to build a podcast together. They both knew they wanted something different and least expected when it came to the name for the podcast. There were two names they considered and went with the least expected one. For the podcast they both agreed they wanted to have conversations that relate to the education profession. Rachel, along with her administrative perspective, and Tia, a classroom teacher, together give their encouragement, knowledge, and expertise on all things education.